Capucine Example: Merge Sort

An implementation of the merge sort algorithm.

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This example is an implementation of the merge sort algorithm. There is no invariant, but this shows that Capucine is able to handle real-life programs. It also shows how Capucine is capable of separating the regions for the two sub-arrays in each recursive calls, thanks to region polymorphism. To compile it, go into the capucine directory and type:

ocamlbuild bench/merge.gwhy


logic type array (a)
logic function store (array (a), int, a): array (a)
logic function select (array (a), int): a

axiom select_eq:
  forall a: array (a).
  forall i: int.
  forall v: a.
  [select(store(a, i, v), i)] = [v]

axiom select_neq:
  forall a: array (a).
  forall i: int.
  forall j: int.
  forall v: a.
  [i] <> [j] ==>
  [select(store(a, i, v), j)] = [select(a, j)]

(* Finite Arrays *)

selector (values, size)

class InfiniteArray (a) =
  array (a)

class Array (a) =
  own A;
  (InfiniteArray (a) [A] * int)
  invariant (x) = [x.size] >= [0]

predicate models(a: Array (a) [R], b: array (a)) =
  forall i: int.
  [0] <= [i] and [i] < [!a.size] ==>
  [select(!(!a.values), i)] = [select(b, i)]

predicate models(a: Array (a) [R], b: array (a)) =
  [b] = [!(!a.values)]

val create(size: int): Array (a) [R]
  consumes R^e
  produces R^c
  requires [size] >= [0]
  ensures [!result.size] = [size]
    let r = new Array (a) [R] in
    r := (!r.values, size);

val get(a: Array (a) [R], i: int): a
  consumes R^c
  produces R^c
  requires [0] <= [i] and [i] < [!a.size]
    forall m: array (a).
    models ([a], [m]) ==>
    [result] = [select(m, i)]
    select(!(!a.values), i)

val set(a: Array (a) [R], i: int, v: a): unit
  consumes R^c
  produces R^c
  requires [0] <= [i] and [i] < [!a.size]
    forall m1: array (a).
    forall m2: array (a).
    old(models ([a], [m1])) ==>
    models ([a], [m2]) ==>
    [select(m2, i)] = [v]
    and forall j: int.
    [0] <= [j] and [j] < [!a.size] ==>
    [j] <> [i] ==>
    [select(m1, j)] = [select(m2, j)]
    (focus !a.1) := store(!(!a.values), i, v)

class Int =

val copy(a: Array (a) [A], i: int, j: int): Array (a) [R]
  consumes A^c, R^e
  produces A^c, R^c
  requires [0] <= [i] and [i] <= [j] and [j] < [!a.size]
    [!result.size] = [j - i + 1] and
    forall ma: array (a).
    forall mr: array (a).
    models ([a], [ma]) ==>
    models ([result], [mr]) ==>
    forall k: int.
    [i] <= [k] and [k] <= [j] ==>
    [select(ma, k)] = [select(mr, k - i)]
    let x = new Int in
    x := i;
    let r = (create(j - i + 1): Array (a) [R]) in
    while !x <= j
        [!x] >= [i]
        forall ma: array (a).
        forall mr: array (a).
        models ([a], [ma]) ==>
        models ([r], [mr]) ==>
        forall k: int.
        [i] <= [k] and [k] < [!x] ==>
        [select(ma, k)] = [select(mr, k - i)]
    do (
      set(r, !x - i, get(a, !x));
      x := !x + 1

(* j not included *)
predicate sorted_up_to(a: Array (int) [R], size: int) =
  forall m: array (int).
  models([a], [m]) ==>
  forall i: int.
  forall j: int.
  [0] <= [i] ==>
  [i] <= [j] ==>
  [j] < [size] ==>
  [select(m, i)] <= [select(m, j)]

predicate sorted(a: Array (int) [R]) =
  sorted_up_to([a], [!a.size])

lemma sorted_footprint:
  forall a: Array (int) [R].
  forall b: Array (int) [R].
  forall size: int.
  sorted_up_to([a], [size]) ==>
  (forall i: int.
     [0] <= [i] and [i] < [size] ==>
     [select(!(!b.values), i)] = [select(!(!a.values), i)]) ==>
  sorted_up_to([b], [size])

predicate branche1(x: int) = [x] >= [0]
predicate branche2(x: int) = [x] >= [0]
predicate branche3(x: int) = [x] >= [0]
predicate branche4(x: int) = [x] >= [0]

val merge(a: Array (int) [A], b: Array (int) [B], c: Array (int) [C]): unit
  consumes A^c, B^c, C^c
  produces A^c, B^c, C^c
    [!c.size] = [!a.size + !b.size]
    and [!a.size] > [0]
    and [!b.size] > [0]
    and sorted([a])
    and sorted([b])
  ensures sorted([c])
    let ia = new Int in
    let ib = new Int in
    let ic = new Int in
    let toto = new Int in
    ia := 0;
    ib := 0;
    ic := 0;
    while !ic < !c.size
        [!ia] >= [0]
        and [!ia] <= [!a.size]
        and [!ib] >= [0]
        and [!ib] <= [!b.size]
        and [!ic] >= [0]
        and [!ic] <= [!c.size]
        and ([!ic] = [!ia + !ib])
        and sorted_up_to([c], [!ic])
        and forall i: int. [0] <= [i] and [i] < [!ic] ==>
        (forall j: int. [!ia] <= [j] and [j] < [!a.size] ==>
          [select(!(!c.values), i)] <= [select(!(!a.values), j)]) and
        (forall j: int. [!ib] <= [j] and [j] < [!b.size] ==>
          [select(!(!c.values), i)] <= [select(!(!b.values), j)])
    do (
      if !ia >= !a.size then (
(*        assert (branche1([!toto]));*)
        set(c, !ic, get(b, !ib));
        ib := !ib + 1
      ) else if !ib >= !b.size then (
(*        assert (branche2([!toto]));*)
        set(c, !ic, get(a, !ia));
        ia := !ia + 1
      ) else (
        let va = get(a, !ia) in
        let vb = get(b, !ib) in
        if va <= vb then (
(*          assert (branche3([!toto]));*)
          set(c, !ic, va);
          ia := !ia + 1;
          assert (forall j: int. [!ia] <= [j] and [j] < [!a.size] ==>
                    [select(!(!c.values), !ic)] <= [select(!(!a.values), j)]);
          assert (forall j: int. [!ib] <= [j] and [j] < [!b.size] ==>
                    [select(!(!c.values), !ic)] <= [select(!(!b.values), j)])
        ) else (
(*          assert (branche4([!toto]));*)
          set(c, !ic, vb);
          ib := !ib + 1;
          assert (forall j: int. [!ia] <= [j] and [j] < [!a.size] ==>
                    [select(!(!c.values), !ic)] <= [select(!(!a.values), j)]);
          assert (forall j: int. [!ib] <= [j] and [j] < [!b.size] ==>
                    [select(!(!c.values), !ic)] <= [select(!(!b.values), j)])
      ic := !ic + 1

val sort(a: Array (int) [A]): unit
  consumes A^c
  produces A^c
(*  and permutation([a], [old(a)])*) 
    region R1: Array (int) in
    region R2: Array (int) in
    if !a.size > 1 then (
      let a1 = (copy(a, 0, !a.size / 2 - 1): Array (int) [R1]) in
      let a2 = (copy(a, !a.size / 2, !a.size - 1): Array (int) [R2]) in
      merge(a1, a2, a)

val main(): unit =
  region R: Array (int) in
  let a = (create(3): Array(int) [R]) in
(*  set(a, 0, 42);
  set(a, 1, 13);
  set(a, 2, 42);*)
    (forall m: array (int). models([a], [m]) ==>
       [select(m, 1)] <= [select(m, 2)]
       and [select(m, 0)] <= [select(m, 1)]
       and [select(m, 0)] <= [select(m, 2)])